Active community member in Scouting
Eagle Scout 1977
Scout Master Troop 180 - 2009 - retired 2011 - Built the primarily military troop from eight boys to about fifty scouts through trips/activites like Alaska, Volcano National Park, HI and Haleakala National Park outings. Arranged for scouts to learn to sail, shoot, swim, hike, camp and of course my passion, cycling. Taught leadership skills to become youth leaders.
Assistant Scout Master Troop 180
2012 Venture Scout Leader - 50 mile hike in Philmont Scout Camp
Punahou community events
2011 Punahou Carnival Auction Volunteer
2011 Punahou Tank Volunteer sorting donations for the Punahou Carnival white elephant sale every Saturday from August to January
2010 Punahou Fried Dough volunteer for the entire three day event
JROTC supporter
2011 Grand Canyon Team Leader-guided six youth on a three day two night excursion into the Canyon during a snow storm.
2013 Our Saviour Lutheran School Building Fund Raiser
- Corporate table sponsor. Ten invitees from the military, local consultants, and others enjoyed food and entertainment at the Sunset Lanai on Camp Smith. Fund Raiser organizer Mrs Ulm. Raised over $ 40K with 100+ in attendance.